My thoughts on making a cool and new website

Hello! This is my first entry on this blog. Not my first blog entry, though, because I surely remember keeping a HTTYD Book Of Dragons blog when I was a kid.

Ah, the Good Ol' Times...

For my first installment on this great ocean of silly nonsense that this blog will probably become, I want to talk about the process of making this website, and my thoughts on crafting a digital page with my bare hands.

Because that's the premise, isn't it?

Anyone can make a website. Just open a Notepad file, and go for it.

Well, let me say something...

It really IS that easy!

I was scared at first. Having to learn not one, not two, but THREE CODE LANGUAGES to craft a website (well Java Script wasn't that hard because I already had some background on coding). It certainly can make even the bravest of the nerds(not that BRAVERY is a high parameter in their RPG Sheets, I must say) cry like a baby and call for their mums.

Which I (must admit) ALMOST did.

But my DETERMINATION got the best of me, so I PROCEEDED.

And then, after some hard days of headaches and tears... THINGS START TO WORK, MAN!

THAT'S the magic of coding. The marvelous feeling of writing hundreds of lines, sometimes hours straight, to finally watch it payoff when you press that damn Run button.

*proceeds to pass out of exhaustion*.
(You look at the screen... it's just a red cube moving on a blank screen...)

And now I think, "man, why isn't EVERYONE making a website, like, NOW??" It's SO EASY, and SO MUCH FUN!

Also fast. I started working on this just two weeks ago! And on THIS specific layout just some days ago! (I'm putting the CHEAPCORE BETA available soon). I was so tired of all the pressure of social media, of algorithm (ew).

And OH, BOY, the customization... What really made me want make a website were the HUNDREDS of BEAUTIFUL webpages out there. Neocities is like Smaug's cave, goddamnit. Fortunately without a fricking giant dragon guarding it.

You can really see the love and passion on every bit of these wonderful webmasters's pages. (Hope you can see it in mine's too, haha). So, overall I'm really happy with this whole "old web" revival.

Surprisingly, revivals CAN BE GOOD! (looking at you right now, Ducktales... *a single tear roll down your face, as you mutually agrees with me, nodding your head*)

Yeah I don't know what else to say and frankly I'm just babbling now.

I promise bring images and silly gifs on the next posts, I'm kinda busy today, so I don't have much time to unnecessary flourishes of idiocy (although I wish I had).

I also didn't think about a posting schedule... guess I'm just gonna post whenever something cool happens or something like that.

Hope you have a nice week, and see ya next time! ^^

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